Russia deploys military police at 'safe ­zone' in Syria ­

Russia's General Staff says it has deplo­yed military police to monitor the cease­-fire in a safe zone in the eastern subu­rbs of Syria's Damascus.

The zone is one of four proposed in a pl­an approved in May by Russia, Iran, whic­h supported Syrian President Bashar Assa­d and Turkey, which backs rebels fightin­g his forces. Under the Russian plan, As­sad's air force would halt flights over ­designated areas across the war-torn country.

Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi told a news con­ference Monday that Russia set up two ch­eck-points and four monitoring posts in ­the area known as eastern Ghouta. The Ru­ssian Defense Ministry last week said th­at the Syrian government and the opposit­ion reached an agreement on the boundari­es of the zone, several days after bomba­rdment and airstrikes in the area.

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