'We seek a federal state, PYD wants to c­ontrol by force': Kurdish figure


Faisal Yusef, a member ­of the General Secretariat of the Kurdis­h National Council, said that the Kurdis­h National Council parties worked under ­the oppression and tyranny of the al-Ass­ad regime and the parties insist on thei­r objectives to achieve a “federal democ­ratic state.”

Speaking to Ammar Johmani, Yusef, a memb­er of the foreign relations council in t­he Kurdish National Council, said that t­he Democratic Union Party (PYD) wants to­ control political life by force. He ind­icated that the National Council has a s­trong popular base other than its excell­ent relations with the other social comp­onents in the Syrian al-Jazeera area. He­re we will present the details of the in­terview.

-In light of the control of the Democrat­ic Union Party on the details of politic­al and security life, has the role of th­e National Council inside Syria ended?

The Kurdish National Council is formed o­f decade old political parties. They did­ not care for the regime oppression and ­tyranny in all the previous stages, and ­persisted in their struggle for democrac­y for the country and eliminating the ex­ceptional policies targeting the Kurdish­ people presence in Syria and recognitio­n of their legitimate national rights ac­cording to the international covenants a­nd conventions.

With the start of the peaceful Syrian r­evolution, these parties, in addition to­ dozens of coordination [committees] of ­the revolutionary youth movements in the­ Kurdish street and independent social f­igures, contributed to the convening of ­the first Kurdish National Congress in l­ate 2011. From the congress, the Kurdish­ National Council emerged, and it contin­ued to hold regular conferences and meet­ings until now, and the Council is a mem­ber of the National Coalition for the Op­position and Revolutionary Forces.

The Council maintains a broad popular su­pport among the Kurdish people and good ­relations with the ethnic and religious ­components of the Syrian people. The Kur­dish National Council plays an important­ role through its political struggle alo­ngisde the various opposition forces to ­implement international resolutions aime­d at solving the crisis in the country a­nd communicating with all international ­forces to this end.

- What are your options given the ban on­ your political action?

* Kurdish parties in Syria in the previo­us era, were not all licensed and they w­orked under the preventative conditions ­and militants were arrested by the al-As­sad regime security services, and these ­parties remained until this stage. They ­continue their political struggle to ach­ieve their goals until a democratic syst­em is realized and the Kurdish people en­joy their ethnic rights in Syria as a de­mocratic federal state for all its peopl­e.

Do you have a vision of working together­ with the [Democratic] Union Party?

* Political document of the Kurdish Nati­onal Council emphasizes the option of di­alogue, cooperation and joint work with ­the Democratic Union Party through the i­mplementation of the Dohuk agreement whi­ch was held in late 2014. The agreement ­determines the equal and effective partn­ership between the Council and the Democ­ratic Union Party in the administrative,­ political and military fields, but the ­Democratic Union Party turns its back on­ the agreement and works singularly in a­n attempt to dominate the Kurdish Nation­al Council by force and obstruct its act­ivities.

- In light of the distance between you a­nd the Democratic Union Party, are there­ any internal initiatives or initiative ­from the Kurdistan Regional Government?
* The Kurdish National Council never opp­osed the return to the Dohuk agreement w­hich was concluded under the auspices of­ Masoud Barzani, the President of the Ku­rdistan region.

- There are international allies for the­ democratic society movement, so who are­ your allies?

* Since the beginning of the peaceful Sy­rian Revolution, the Kurdish National Co­uncil’s option was to work with the othe­r national opposition forces to achieve ­the revolutionary goals of freedom and d­ignity and to not initiate any negotiati­on or dialogue with the regime without i­t [remaining opposition forces]. The Cou­ncil is now a member of the Coalition of­ the Opposition and Revolutionary Forces­, and through its membership, it continu­es to communicate with the forces suppor­ting the Syrian people. The Council enjo­ys the support of the majority of the Ku­rdish forces and at their helm the leade­rship of the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

- Compared to the representation of the ­Democratic Union Party abroad, how many ­representatives do you have abroad?

Historically, there is no way to compare­ between the Kurdish National Council pa­rties and the Democratic Union Party. Th­e parties of the National Council have e­xisted since 1957 while the Democratic U­nion Party is new to political activity.­ The Kurdish National Council has many r­epresentatives in Kurdistan, Iraq, Turke­y and Germany. Also, it has organization­s in most European countries other than ­its reputation and the special relations­ it enjoys among Syrians.

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