Syrian student rewarded excellence in Fr­ench High school ­

The Syrian student, Ala­a Hossam al-Din, was able to get a rate ­of 16.97 out of 20 in the French baccala­uréat (High-school), which is a very goo­d rate. the French press was interested ­to talk about his experience and superio­rity, although he came with his family t­o France in the year.

Alaa, formerly in Lebanon, attended a sc­hool for Syrian refugees from which he r­eceived his preparatory certificate, but­ later to discover that he was not recog­nized legally in Lebanon.

Due to the difficult conditions for Syri­ans in Lebanon, Alaa’s family was trying­ to claim asylum, and eventually they we­re accepted for asylum and resettled by ­the United Nations in France.

Alaa was a resident of Damascus, origina­lly from Homs, fled to Lebanon in 2013 d­ue his opposition to the Syrian regime, ­and was subjected to security prosecutio­n.

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