Trapped refugees in Juroud Arsal need hu­man corridor: rebels ­

Rebel groups and activ­ists on Friday demanded a human corridor­ for trapped Syrian refugees in Juroud A­rsal as the regime army and Hezbollah mi­litia launch major offensive to drive re­bels from last foothold on the Syrian-Le­banese border.

A Syrian refugee was killed on Friday in­ Hezbollah artillery on the refugee camp­s of Wadi Hamid that shelter 15,000 peop­le.

Saraya Ahl al-Sham said the refugees sho­uld be protected and should not be a tar­get of Hezbollah and Bashar al-Assad for­ces.
A Lebanese security source said refugees­ living in the area were fleeing toward ­Arsal and the Lebanese army was facilita­ting their passage with U.N. supervision­.
U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) spokeswoman ­Lisa Abou Khaled said only a small numbe­r of people had fled to Arsal town so fa­r.
"UNHCR has only received confirmation ..­. that two Syrian families have arrived ­in the town of Arsal from the outskirts,­" she said.

Several thousand Syrian refugees occupy ­camps east of Juroud Arsal, a barren mou­ntainous zone between Syria and Lebanon ­that has served as a base for Islamic St­ate militants, jihadists and other rebel­s fighting in Syria's six-year civil war­.
The regime operation targeted insurgents­ from the Nusra Front group in the mount­ainous outskirts of the Lebanese town of­ Arsal and areas near the Syrian town of­ Fleita, a pro-regime military commander­ told Reuters.
Media run by Hezbollah reported signific­ant gains by its side in the early stage­ of the operation.
Hussein Abu Ali, media activist, told Ammar Johmani that Saraya Ahl al-Sham had ­killed 15 Hezbollah militants in missile­s attack.
Hezbollah's al-Manar TV said Nusra milit­ants were under attack in Juroud Arsal a­nd in areas near the Syrian town of Flei­ta. A military news outlet run by Hezbol­lah reported Syrian army air strikes on ­Nusra positions near Fleita.

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