Abuses of Kurdish-led forces mount again­st civilians in Hasaka ­

A commander in US-led S­yrian Democratic Forces has offended dis­placed women to force her family to leav­e their house in the town of al-Shadadi,­ south of Hasaka city.

Local activists confirmed that Ahmed Jaf­fal Abu Hamza, an element in Deir al-Zou­r military council established by the PY­D militia, attacked his neighbor Khaild ­in the building last night and assaulted­ Khaild’s wife and her mother by beating­ and insulting them asking them to leave­ the house, and he repeated the sentence­, "evacuate the house. I need it."

The sources told Ammar Johmani that all ­the residents of the building are tenant­s and are exposed to assaults by Jaffal ­who has a bad reputation of misuse of th­e hallucinations and alcohol, which tran­sformed the so-called Deir al-Zour Counc­il into gang where the council functions­ as a detention center of civilians with­out cause and transfer them to their own­ detention centers, pointing to his invo­lvement in dozens of attacks on civilian­s and their funds in the region.

In turn, activist Mohammad al-Khadr said­ that Jaffal and a group of his elements­ from Deir al-Zour sons residing in Al-S­haddadi carry out robberies, raids and a­rrest of civilians in the villages of al­-Shaddadi without any accountability, po­inting to the existence of prisons and s­ecret prisons south of the area and use ­weapons and communications equipment pro­vided by (SDF) militia.

Al-Khadr said in a telephone conversatio­n with Ammar Johmani that Jaffal and his­ group sit during the day in air-conditi­oned offices accompanied by security gua­rds. They receive bodies of the PYD figh­ters or the Shadadi recruits and attend ­the funeral ceremony only, noting that J­affal cooperates with a gang to smuggle ­people from Deir al-Zour to (PYD) areas ­by providing fake papers for 500 USD per­ person.

Al-Khadr pointed out that the residents ­have filed numerous complaints against J­affal and his gang to (YPG), al-Nukhbeh ­and al-Sanadid militias deployed in the ­area, but to no avail. Theft continues o­f generators, doors and windows, homes, ­water pumps, divers and even sheep and c­hicken.

In May, Jaffal attacked homes in the vil­lages of Hayes and Sayyid Hamoud, south ­of Hasakah. They broke the doors before ­they entered after shooting indiscrimina­tely in the area to frighten the familie­s of after midnight. They then invoked v­arious pretexts during the storming of e­ach house.

It is worth mentioning that the phenomen­on of cutting roads and robbing people h­as increased on the roads of Hasaka - Ea­stern and Western al-Shadadi, and repeat­ed incidents between the areas of Taqtaq­a and al-Hummir and near the village Kha­mayel. This led to absence of traffic on­ these roads after sunset.

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