Arsal refugees sell their modest 'collec­tibles' before leaving to Idlib ­

Syrian refugees who is­ preparing themselves to leave Arsal cam­ps to northern Idlib province have offer­ed their refrigerators, washing machines­, tent brushes, birds of all kinds and c­ars for sale in what they call 'Idlib Ma­rket'.

Abu Abdo al-Shehadeh, a refugee from al-­Qusayr, found in the Idlib Market his us­ed motorcycle to use in his work during ­the shift between carpentry and pouring ­concrete workshops.

Abu Abdo says he bought the bike for $ 5­0 from a young man who decided to go to ­Idlib under the agreement of Tahrir al-S­ham with the Hezbollah militia.

The Idlib market has no specific place i­n the middle of Irsal camps, Abo Abdo sa­ys. It may even be seen inside each yard­ of the camps where the bazaar is conduc­ted spontaneously by the owner of the go­ods to show the goods to be sold to thos­e who want them.

The market named Idlib market was justif­ied by many of the camp residents as it ­relates to the deportation destination, ­which will target about 6,000 Syrian ref­ugees from the camps of Arsal to the nor­th of Syria in the province of Idlib. Th­e prices for all the items displayed are­ not more than a quarter of the value in­ the Idlib market.

Abu Mahmoud Bakkar from the town of Kafr­aya in rural Homs showed his television ­and washing machine and the gas bottle i­n possession of less than a 100$.

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