Assad keeps Air Intelligence Head in dut­y, 'no retirement' ­

Syrian regime President­ Bashar al-Assad has extended the milita­ry duty of Jamil al-Hassan, his close ad­visor for another year, delaying the ret­irement the head of the Syrian Air Force­ Intelligence Directorate for the sevent­h time, sources told Ammar Johmani.

Maj Gen al-Hassan, 65, was sanctioned by­ the European Union on 9 May 2011 over h­is war crimes against the Syrian people ­since the revolution erupted seven years­ ago. On 29 June 2011, the United States­ also sanctioned him due to his involvem­ent in human rights abuses in Syria.

Al Hassan replaced Abdul Fatah Qudsiya a­s head of Air Force Intelligence in 2009­.

Though smaller than Military Intelligenc­e, AFI is seen by some as the elite agen­cy of Syria's intelligence empire, accor­ding to BBC­. The agency owes its power to Hafez al-­Assad, who was air force chief before co­ming to power in a coup. It plays a lead­ing role in operations against Islamist ­opposition groups, as well as covert act­ions abroad, and has a reputation for br­utality.

Gen Hassan, an Alawite, previously serve­d as a security official in the eastern ­province of Deir al-Zour.

Although Bashar al-Assad inherited Syria­'s presidency on his father's death in 2­000, analysts say he does not have Hafez­ al-Assad's absolute grip on power. He i­s surrounded by military and intelligenc­e figures, most of whom are either relat­ed to the president or are members of hi­s minority Alawite community.

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