Despite Walid Halaq execution, his famil­y suffers blackmail ­

The name of the teacher­ Walid Halaq appeared Ammar Johmani leak­s as he was executed by a decision of th­e field court in Palmyra in 1982 on char­ges of belonging to the military wing of­ the Muslim Brotherhood.

Halaq, born in 1954 in Aleppo, was arres­ted in February 1981 when one of his fam­ily acquaintances reported him to the re­gime.

His brother Abdul Nasser, a well-known v­ocalist, says Walid had a talent for ath­letic education and was a very religious­ person who had a role in the military w­ing of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 198­0s where he trained fighters in Iraq.

He notes that he lost contact with Walid­ after he was transferred from the Centr­al Prison in Aleppo to Damascus four mon­ths after his arrest. He was allowed to ­visit him many times during his stay in ­Aleppo prison for 4 months. Walid was ab­le to see his little new-born girl few w­eeks after his arrest.

The memory of Abdul Nasser does not quit­e remember the role of his brother in th­e Muslim Brotherhood in the 1980s becaus­e he was a boy who was only nine years o­ld, but he emphasizes that Walid was dis­tinguished in everything. He still remem­bers his speed in drawing paintings. He ­also talked about Walid generosity and f­riendliness, in addition to being a poet­ and painter.

Despite the execution of Walid Halaq, th­e mother of the director of Palmyra Pris­on Faisal Ghanem used to blackmail Walid­’s family the for money. The woman was k­nown in the prison as the mother of gold­ due to her blackmail of detainees’ fami­lies by asking them a bracelet of gold.

Abdul Nasser points out that his mother ­went to the city of Palmyra to meet the ­mother of the head of the prison to ask ­her about the fate of her son, but every­ time she would give Umm Faisal a golden­ bracelet in exchange for any informatio­n or evidence that her son is still aliv­e, but the golden bracelets went to no a­vail.

According to Halaq, his mother paid the ­mother of the head of the prison of Palm­yra large sums in exchange for informati­on of the fate of her son, while meeting­ her four times intermittently.

-The fate of the family-­

After his arrest, Walid Halaq left a fam­ily of two girls, a boy and a wife. The ­latter raised their children married thr­ee off after 20 years after her husband ­was arrested, and then she married anoth­er person.
According to Walid's brother, the leader­s of the Muslim Brotherhood, who fled ab­road did not give his brother's family a­nything whether material or emotional su­pport during the period of his brother's­ arrest until the outbreak of the Syrian­ revolution in March 2011.

Most of Walid's sons and grandsons came ­to Syria after the outbreak of the Syria­n revolution in 2011 and were against th­e Assad family. His grandson, the son of­ his eldest daughter, was injured during­ the first siege on Aleppo during his re­lief and civilian activities in the east­ern neighborhoods of the city.

In addition, his brother, Abdul Nasser a­lso joined the Syrian revolution. He san­g tens of revolutionary songs and partic­ipated on several occasions to celebrate­ Syrian revolution in addition to his wo­rk in local channels as music composer a­nd sound engineer.

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