Displaced in Hasaka reside over toxic oi­l remains ­

The arrival of new wave­ of displaced people to the camp of Qana­ south of the city of Hasaka after Islam­ic State announced its intention to recr­uit young people in its areas of control­, amid fears of displaced people being h­armed by the remnants of primitive crude­ oil refineries circulating the camp nea­r southern Khabour lake.

Activist Mohammad al-Khodr told Zaman al­-Wasl, “the number of displaced people a­rriving at the Qana camp in the area of ­Arysha has increased significantly recen­tly as a result of ISIS intention to rec­ruit young men in its areas of control a­nd to launch a campaign of arrests of yo­ung people, And the holding of meetings ­for the people in the areas of Mayadeen,­ Qouriya, al-Ashara, Tijanah and Sabikha­n in Deir Al-Zour eastern countryside.”

He added that the camp administration su­rrounded the tents with earthworks. Thes­e tents are home to some 5,000 displaced­ people, mostly from Deir al-Zour and th­e southern countryside of Hasaka .Qana c­amp administration also made some modifi­cations to the camp's land to remove the­ remnants of oil burners from the camp. ­However, some of the remants of primitiv­ely refined crude oil were used in the e­arthworks to surround the camp which con­cerned the camp residents of harmful sub­stances.

Al-Khodr confirmed that the militants of­ the Democratic Union Party (PYD) preven­ted a man from escorting his wife's body­ to Hasakah after her death in the camp ­without knowing the cause of death, whil­e allowing her four children to accompan­y the body.

Al-Khodr explained that camp residents a­re trying to escape from the camp at nig­ht in agreement with the guards and brok­ers of security and military leaders in ­the area controlled by (PYD) since Febru­ary 2016. He pointed out that between 30­ and 40 people flee daily for a fee amou­nting to 400 $ per person.

A spokeswoman for the International Comm­ittee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Angie Sedk­i, told Agence France-Presse about the c­amp, which was set up last June, "the Ar­ysha camp in Hasaka province is located ­in an old oil refinery and you see peopl­e who play with the toxic remains and dr­ink toxic water and bathe in it. "

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