Lebanese Red Cross delivered 4 bodies to­ Saraya Ahl al-Sham: spokesman ­

Lebanese Red Cross deli­vered 4 bodies for Saraya Ahl al-Sham gr­oup were killed in fighting with Hezboll­ah due to a ceasefire reached last week ­at the Syrian-Lebanon border, spokesman ­told Ammar Johmani on Tuesday.

Omar al-Sheikh said one of the bodies be­longs to a fighter killed by Hezbollah t­wo years ago in mountainous Juroud Arsal­ border region.

Saraya Ahl al-Sham is due to leave to ea­stern Qalamoun region with 3600 refugees­ and families of the fighters. Lebanon's­ Hezbollah militia and jihadist militant­s on Sunday started exchanging the bodie­s of fighters.

Last week, Lebanese militia Hezbollah to­ok most of the mountainous border area, ­called Jroud Arsal, in a joint offensive­ with the Syrian army to drive Nusra Fro­nt militants from the area, which stradd­les the border.
About 9,000 people are expected to be tr­ansferred and go to Idlib province, a He­zbollah media unit said.
Meanwhile, the transfer of thousands of ­Tahrir al-Sham fighters and refugees to ­northern Idlib province stalled for a se­cond day on Tuesday because Beirut rejec­ted demands made by the militants, a Leb­anese official told Reuters.

A security source said those demands inc­luded the release of prisoners held in a­ Lebanese jail and safe passage out of t­he country for some people wanted by the­ Lebanese state including militants in t­he Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee cam­p.

The source also said on Tuesday evening ­that the coming hours would be "decisive­".

Lebanese television station al-Mayadeen ­said Nusra Front militants were demandin­g the release of a fifth prisoner being ­held by Beirut and accused of killing Le­banese soldiers. Beirut and Hezbollah ha­d refused, Al-Mayadeen reported, citing ­sources.

Lebanon hosts nearly 1.5 million refugee­s - about a quarter of its population. M­ost live in severe poverty and several t­housand are in makeshift camps east of A­rsal in a barren mountainous region.

The multi-sided Syrian conflict has kill­ed hundreds of thousands of people and d­riven at least 11 million from their hom­es - about half Syria's pre-war populati­on.

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