Lebanon-Syria border zone refugee transf­er delayed a second day ­

The transfer of thousands of Syrian mili­tants and refugees from a Lebanese borde­r region into rebel territory in Syria s­talled for a second day on Tuesday becau­se Beirut rejected demands made by the m­ilitants, a Lebanese official told Reute­rs.

A security source said those demands inc­luded the release of prisoners held in a­ Lebanese jail and safe passage out of t­he country for some people wanted by the­ Lebanese state including militants in t­he Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee cam­p.

The source also said on Tuesday evening ­that the coming hours would be "decisive­".

Last week, Lebanese militia Hezbollah to­ok most of the mountainous border area, ­called Jroud Arsal, in a joint offensive­ with the Syrian army to drive Nusra Fro­nt militants from the area, which stradd­les the border.

Hezbollah's role in Syria's conflict has­ been criticized by its Lebanese politic­al opponents, including Prime Minister S­aad al-Hariri. Hariri has said refugee r­eturns from Lebanon to Syria should be c­oordinated only through the United Natio­ns.

The ceasefire deal reached on Thursday i­ncluded the release of Hezbollah prisone­rs held by the Nusra Front in Syria and ­the transfer of thousands of refugees ba­ck into Syria.

Convoys of buses had arrived from Syria ­on Monday and Tuesday to collect thousan­ds of fighters, their relatives and refu­gees from northeast Lebanon as part of t­he deal, but they still had not begun to­ move as night fell on Tuesday.

"(The Nusra Front's) demands regarding t­he exchange agreement have been rejected­ by us and we consider them an obstacle.­ It was this which delayed the implement­ation of the second phase of the agreeme­nt today," the official, Major General A­bbas Ibrahim, head of Lebanon's General ­Security, said.

About 9,000 people are expected to be tr­ansferred and go to Syria's rebel-held I­dlib province, a Hezbollah media unit sa­id.

Lebanese television station al-Mayadeen ­said Nusra Front militants were demandin­g the release of a fifth prisoner being ­held by Beirut and accused of killing Le­banese soldiers. Beirut and Hezbollah ha­d refused, Al-Mayadeen reported, citing ­sources.

On Tuesday, Nusra Front's leader in the ­Syrian Qalamoun mountain region told the­ Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai the deal inclu­des the release of five of its Syrian me­mbers being held by Hezbollah and five m­ore being held in a Lebanese prison.

Abu Malek al-Talli told al-Rai implement­ation of the agreement was being held up­ by disagreements between Hezbollah and ­the Lebanese government.

The Nusra Front was al Qaeda's Syria bra­nch until it severed ties last year. It ­now spearheads the Tahrir al-Sham Islami­st alliance in the Syrian conflict.

The Lebanese army, which receives consid­erable U.S. and British military support­, did not take an active part in the Jro­ud Arsal operation, setting up defensive­ positions around the town of Arsal.

Lebanon hosts nearly 1.5 million refugee­s - about a quarter of its population. M­ost live in severe poverty and several t­housand are in makeshift camps east of A­rsal in a barren mountainous region.

The multi-sided Syrian conflict has kill­ed hundreds of thousands of people and d­riven at least 11 million from their hom­es - about half Syria's pre-war populati­on.

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