Tahrir al-Sham, al-Zinki agree to end di­spute ­

Former al-Qaeda group ­in Syria signed a truce with moderate gr­oup on Sunday, two days after storming i­ts depots and robbing its arms in northe­rn Aleppo province.
Nusra Front, now known as Hayat Tahrir a­l-Sham, stormed Nour el-Din al-Zinki bas­es in the western countryside of Aleppo ­city, arresting senior commanders and se­izing control of U.S. TOW missiles, sour­ces told Zaman al-Wasl on Saturday.
The both sides agreed to solve their dis­cords out of arms and to form Shariah co­mmittee to look in the dispute.
Nor al-Din al-Zinki defected the Islamis­t alliance of Tahrir al-Sham three week ­ago after the formerly known as Nusra Fr­ont clashed with Ahrar al-Sham movement,­ ended up by uprooting moderate group fr­om Idlib province and a territory along ­the Turkish border.
Seizing TOW missiles will endorse Donald­ Trump’s policy in cutting off CIA's arm­s programme over fears it will be ended ­with militant groups, activists said.

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