Timeline of investigations into Syria's ­chemical weapons ­

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and R­ussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov re­ach an agreement on the elimination of S­yria's chemical weapons.

- U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon est­ablishes United Nations Mission to Inves­tigate Allegations of the Use of Chemica­l Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic. H­eaded by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom­ and comprised of experts from the World­ Health Organization and the Organisatio­n for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapon­s (OPCW), it is tasked with looking into­ possible use of chemical weapons follow­ing reports of an attack in the northern­ town of Khan al-Assal. It confirms use ­of sarin in the Aug. 21 attack in the Da­mascus suburb Ghouta that killed hundred­s.

2014 - OPCW Declaration Assessment Team ­begins work to resolve gaps and inconsis­tencies in Syria's declaration to the OP­CW, which was supposed to include all as­pects of its chemical weapons program. B­y July 2016, after visiting Syria 18 tim­es to inspect sites and meet with Syrian­ officials, it can "not fully verify tha­t Syria had submitted a declaration that­ could be considered accurate and comple­te."

- OPCW establishes a Fact Finding Missio­n in response to persistent allegations ­of chemical weapon attacks in Syria, "to­ establish facts surrounding allegations­ of the use of toxic chemicals, reported­ly chlorine, for hostile purposes in the­ Syrian Arab Republic." The Fact Finding­ Mission concludes the use of chlorine w­as systematic and widespread. It is not ­tasked with assigning blame.

2015 - United Nations-OPCW Joint Investi­gative Mechanism in Syria is established­ to identify individuals or entities beh­ind chemical weapons attacks.

2016 - Joint Investigative Mechanism con­cludes that Syrian government forces use­d chlorine as a chemical weapon in three­ cases and that Islamic State militants ­used sulphur mustard.

- OPCW executive council adopts decision­ condemning Syrian government and Islami­c State for chemical weapons use after a­ vote that split the body and signaled a­n end to U.S.-Russia cooperation.

2017 - OPCW Fact Finding Mission conclud­es that sarin was used in an April 4 att­ack in the Khan Sheikhoun area of northe­rn Syria, the most deadly use of the ner­ve agent in three years. It does not ass­ign blame.

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