Sabbagh: Syria demands lifting coercive measures imposed, considers them economic terrorism

Ammar Johmani Magazine

New York, SANA-Syria demanded the lifting of the coercive measures imposed on it and on a number of countries, as it is considered economic terrorism.

Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, head of the Syrian delegation to the 78th session of the UNSC said that the world is witnessing serious challenges, foremost of which is fueling devastating conflicts in several regions, the continued occupation and the spread of terrorism, which requires cooperation among member states to build a new multipolar world order.

He added that US policies of creative chaos led to the destabilization of security and stability in our region and caused the emergence of terrorism and the destruction of development achievements. Multilateralism, the Charter of the UN, and other international agreements were not spared from this chaos, he noted.

Ambassador Sabbagh highlighted that “Israel” continues to violate the UN Charter and international humanitarian law by occupying Arab lands, including the Syrian Golan, establishing settlements, changing the demographics, plundering resources, and seizing lands.

Sabbagh stressed that Syria reaffirms its right to restore the entire occupied Golan, which is an inalienable right, that is not subject to bargaining, guaranteed by international law and relevant UN resolutions.

Syria has not and will not spare any effort to stand by the Palestinian people in their struggle to restore their rights, especially their right to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, and to grant Palestine full membership in the UN, Sabbagh underscored.

Ambassador Sabbagh went on to say that the repeated Israeli attacks on Syrian cities, ports, and civilian airports are pushing the region to unprecedented levels of tension, and Syria condemns these attacks and denounces the support of some countries that declare themselves protectors of international humanitarian law for these practices.

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