Sabbagh: the US continues its flagrant violations against Syrian people

New York, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, said that some permanent members at Security Council, particularly the US, continues to commit flagrant violations against Syria, while affirming during the Council’s meetings on necessity of respecting the Charter and the importance of defending international law principles.

Sabbagh affirmed at UNSC session on Syria that the US in that way, is trying to escape the destructive repercussions of the chaos and destruction policy that it has created in our region and other parts of the world.

He said that Syria has been facing serious challenges for years due to terrorism, illegitimate military presence of US and Turkish forces and repeated Israeli acts of aggression which were accompanied by interfering in the country’s internal affairs, in addition to the imposed economic embargo and unilateral coercive inhumane measures.

He stressed that those challenges blatantly violate the UN Charter, principles of international law and international humanitarian law, and all relevant Security Council resolutions stipulating respect for Syria’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and that caused a state of instability in Syria and the whole region.

He affirmed that the US caused huge losses to the oil sector in Syria estimated at 115 billion Dollars, and it must be obligated to pay compensation for that, and also its European allies continue to impose coercive measures on Food, Health, Energy and Transport sectors, causing humanitarian and economic catastrophe.

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