Cuba renews support to Syria in the face of terrorism

Ammar Johmani Magazine

Havana, SANA- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla reiterated his country’s stance in support of Syria and the necessity of respect for its sovereignty and non-interference in its internal affairs.

During a meeting with the Syrian Ambassador to Cuba, Ghassan Obeid, Parrilla described as strong the relations between Syria and Cuba and the importance of developing them in various fields, noting Syria’s victories and its ability to confront all the difficulties and plots against it.

The Cuban Minister said that his country condemns all terrorist acts against security and safety of Syria and underlined his country’s condemnation of the Israeli, American and other occupations to the Syrian lands.

In turn, Ambassador Obeid thanked Cuba for its support and emphasized the depth of historical ties between the two countries.

Obaid asserted that Syria stands by Cuba and fully supports it in confronting the sanctions and criminal economic blockade it subjected by the US.

The two sides stressed the importance of continuing joint cooperation in all domains.

Fedaa al-Rahayiah / Mazen Eyon

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