Syria : “Annual Report on Terrorism” by US is attempt to cover up its terrorism through coercive measures and supporting terrorists

Damascus, SANA- Syria asserted that the so-called “Annual Report on Terrorism” issued by the US Department of State has no minimum of credibility, and is nothing but a failed attempt to cover up the US terrorism represented by illegal unilateral coercive measures, and political and military terrorism represented by its administrations’ sponsorship of terrorist entities and militias.

“While the Syrian people is still suffering from the consequences of terrorism supported by the US and its allies, and in a shameless irony, the US State Department issued the so-called “Annual Report on Terrorism,” which included a huge amount of lies and fallacies targeted a number of countries, including Syria.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said in a statement.

It added: “Syria stresses that successive American administrations have created and supported the terrorism and made it a tool to serve its political and military plans and objectives worldwide, since the 1970s.The US was not satisfied with that, but also used the slogans of democracy, human rights and combating terrorism, to divide the world into axes and promote allegations  and adopt extremely hostile policies aimed at isolating countries and peoples and undermining their national choices through pressure and blackmail.”

For more than ten years, the American administration sponsored the terrorist war on Syria, and financed and armed terrorist organizations in Syria that are included on the UN Security Council list, most notably “ISIS” and “Al-Nusra Front”. It also supported Terrorist separatist militias and colluded with them in stealing wealth of oil, wheat and other Syrian resources, as well as plundering antiquities and historical sites, the Ministry went on to say.

Furthermore, The US colluded with the terrorists even in trafficking of detainees from the families and children of foreign terrorists who are in the camps controlled by the American occupation forces and their agents in QSD militia, the ministry added, noting that these are documented crimes that the US State Department report sought to cover up by fabricating accusations against other countries that chose to adhere to their sovereignty and free national decisions away from dictation and conditionality.

The Ministry indicated that Syria is adhering to its firm position launched since 1986, which calls for setting a clear and specific definition of terrorism, and avoiding any American-Israeli attempts to confuse this condemned criminal act with the established right of peoples to resist foreign occupation, and to seek independence and self-determination, which are the principles adopted by the UN. On the other hand, the American administrations and their allies are still obstructing agreement on a unified definition in order to allow themselves to continue using terrorism or stigmatizing others with it as one of the arms of American hegemony in the world.

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