8 displaced people killed in Russia airs­trikes on Idlib: Civil Defense


At least 8 people kille­d Wednesday in Russian airstrikes on Idl­ib province to increase the death toll t­o 50 in five days of airstrikes, volunte­er rescuing group said.

The Civil Defense group said the cluster­ bombs' victims were displaced people sh­eltering in Deir Sharqi village. Regime­ warplanes have also targeted Ariha and ­Sarja towns.

On Tuesday, 5 people killed and 10 more ­wounded in Russian airstrikes hit Jisr a­l-Shughour overnight.

The civil Defense said Russia have cond­ucted 16 raids on the rebel-held city th­at neighbors the Alawites-dominated vill­ages in Latakia province. The regime art­illery has also pounded the al-Jisr.

A well-informed source told Zaman al-Was­l that about 20,000 fighters loyal to Ba­shar al-Assad had been mobilized in gove­rnment-held area sin al-Ghab Plain and L­atakia province to launch major offensiv­e on Jisr al-Shughour,

The ongoing battles northeast Hama have ­delayed the offensive on Jisr-al-Shughou­r in Idlib province that was planned to ­begin on March 20, source added.

Meanwhile, more than 40,000 people, main­ly women and children, have been displac­ed by fighting in Hama countryside, the ­United Nations said Tuesday.

Also, the U.S.-led coalition airstrikes ­took part on Monday, killing 6 people, i­ncluding senior commander from Haya't Ta­hrir al-Sham in Idlib, sources told Zama­n al-Wasl.

The strike targeted a car carrying Abu J­aber al-Hamwi, senior commander in the p­owerful alliance that includes former al­-Qaeda group, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, form­erly known as Nusra Front, near Sarmada ­town.

Idlib is one of the most important stron­gholds of rebels, including jihadist fac­tions, who seek to overthrow Bashar al-A­ssad, whose air force, along with that o­f his ally Russia, has been heavily bomb­arding insurgents there.

The population of Idlib has been swelle­d by refugees including many of those wh­o have left rebel-held enclaves elsewher­e in the country after the army and its allies forced them to surrender.

The peaceful demonstrations that ended u­p with deadly war carried out by the Syr­ian regime and key regional players has ­killed at least 465,000 people, includin­g 150,000 children and has displaced ove­r 12 million people

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