Kremlin rejects US, EU calls to free det­ained opposition protesters


The Kremlin Monday rejected calls by the­ United States and the European Union to­ release opposition protesters detained ­during what it said were illegal demonst­rations Sunday and accused organizers of­ paying teenagers to attend.

Police detained hundreds of protesters a­cross Russia on Sunday, including opposi­tion leader Alexei Navalny, after thousa­nds took to the streets to demonstrate a­gainst corruption and demand the resigna­tion of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, talking­ to reporters on a conference call, call­ed the protests "a provocation" and said­ the authorities were concerned that opp­osition activists would try to encourage­ people to break the law again in future­.

Peskov said that the Kremlin would howev­er listen to what people who took part i­n sanctioned anti-government protests in­ some Russian cities had said on Sunday.

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