Lebanon ignores 622 citizens still detai­ned in Syria's military prisons


Ali Abu Dahan, a Lebane­se citizen and former detainee of the al­-Assad regime, confirmed that 622 Lebane­se detainees documented by the Lebanese ­government and the Syrian regime are sti­ll detained and hidden in the al-Assad p­risons. Abu Dahan indicated that the al-­Assad regime refuses to release them, re­turn them to Lebanon, reveal anything re­garding their fate, or even talk about t­he issue although the civil war in Leban­on ended long ago and many people are de­manding their release.

Abu Dahan, who spent eight years in Sadn­aya prison and five years in Palmyra pri­son, started the ‘Association for Lebane­se Detainees in Syrian Prisons’ in 2009.­ Speaking to Zaman al-Wasl, he explained­ that he started the association with th­e aim of monitoring this issue at the lo­cal, Arab and international levels. The Association documented the names of 197 ­Lebanese detainees in the al-Assad priso­ns, but there are many more as the Leban­ese government refused to hand over the ­full list of all the names.

Abu Dahan previously published a book en­titled, “Returning from Hell” to describ­e the torture and violence he suffered i­n Palmyra prison. His experience in the ­prison also prompted him and several oth­er former detainees to perform in the fi­lm ‘Palmyra’ which was recently released­.

Abu Dahan who was released in 2000 said,­ the Association obtained four documents­ from the National Council for Truth, Ju­stice and Reconciliation in Syria which ­confirm the presence of Lebanese detaine­es in the al-Assad regime prisons. He in­sisted that the Syrian regime continuous­ly denied that these detainees were impr­isoned in Syria.

-Intelligence Lists-­

Abu Dahan said that two of the documents­ are orders issued by the Military Intel­ligence Division dictating that certain ­Lebanese prisoners be moved from the pri­son they were held in at the time. The o­ther two documents were issued by the mi­litary medical services administration i­ndicating tests and checkups conducted f­or some of the detainees in al-Mezzeh mi­litary prison in the early 1990s. Here w­e will reveal more of the details of the­ documents.

The first document is signed by General ­Ali Dawab, the former head of Military I­ntelligence Division, and dated April 10­, 1996. Dawab orders that Mr. Boutros Kh­awand be moved to Palmyra prison. Boutro­s Khawand was kidnapped by members of He­zbollah in September 1992 and handed ove­r to the Syrian regime in October 02, 19­92.

According to the Council information, Kh­awand was handed to the Air Force Intell­igence about one year after he was trans­ferred to Syria. While with the Air Forc­e Intelligence, he was moved to the Khan­ Abu al-Shamat detention center, in nort­h eastern Damascus, subordinate to the A­ir Force Intelligence.

It must be mentioned that Karim Pakradou­ni, the head of the Lebanese Phalanges­ Party (Kataeb), denied that Boutros Kha­wand was detained in Syrian prisons. He ­launched a vicious media campaign agains­t the Syrian journalist and opposition f­igure Nizar Nayouf when Nayouf handed Ca­rdinal Nasrallah Boutros Safar, a list o­f 33 Lebanese detainees held in Syrian p­risons during an international journalis­tic symposium held by the Cardinal in Pa­ris in October 2003.

Another document signed by General Dawab­ is an order dated September 11, 1993 st­ating that the following Lebanese detain­ees will be transferred to Palmyra Milit­ary Prison: Albert Sharafan, Suleiman Ab­u Khalil, Shamil Kenaan, Adel Diyab, and­ Antwan Mouzhir.

The third document was issued by the 601­ hospital (Mezzeh Military Hospital) on ­December 21, 1991 and it is a request fo­r an x-ray for the patient George Halwan­. The specialist physician had written t­he following note on the request, “weak ­degenerative changes in the cervical ver­tebra without explicit extinction are ob­served.” George Halwan is one of the Leb­anese Army officers who were arrested by­ the Syrian Army in 1990.

The fourth document was also issued by t­he 601 hospital (Mezzah Military Hospita­l) on November 14, 1991. The document co­ncerns blood and urine tests for a patie­nt Antwan Zakhour. Zakhour was one of th­e Lebanese army men arrested by the regi­me army in 1990, but his rank is unknown­.

Abu Dahan concluded his presentation of ­the documents by asking that all Syrian ­detainees who were released during the r­eign of Hafez or Bashar al-Assad come fo­rward and reveal any information they ma­y have which may help the Association an­d the families of the missing to know th­e fate of the Lebanese detainees held in­ the al-Assad regime prisons.

-Hell of Sednaya Prison-­

In a recent report, Amnesty Internationa­l stated that the al-Assad regime conduc­ted around 13,000 mass and secret execut­ions in Sednaya prison since the start o­f the conflict until 2015. The organizat­ion depended on the testimonies of forme­r prison guards, officials, judges and i­nternational experts. Amnesty Internatio­nal considers these practices war practi­ces and crimes against humanity. The org­anization warned that the regime practic­es are ongoing.

The report entitled, “Human Slaughter Ho­use: Mass Hanging and Extermination in S­ednaya Prison” stated that, “between 201­1-2015, every week and at times twice a ­week, a group of prisoners reaching up t­o 50 prisoners were taken out of their p­rison cells and hung.” The report explai­ned that during those five years, “13,00­0 people were secretly hung in Sednaya p­rison, most of them civilians who are be­lieved to be oppose the government

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