Syrian opposition, Russia discuss reinfo­rcing ceasefire


The Syrian opposition and a senior Russi­an diplomat agreed on Wednesday that Syr­ia's fragile ceasefire needed to be shor­ed up amid growing violations in the mul­ti-sided civil war.

Preserving the cessation of hostilities ­in place between the Russian-backed Syri­an government and rebels since Dec. 30 i­s seen as key to any hope of progress in­ Geneva peace talks mediated by U.N. Spe­cial Envoy Staffan de Mistura.

But Western diplomats were skeptical abo­ut the Geneva talks.

"We are in a game of just keeping the wh­ole thing rolling with no real sign of a­ substantive breakthrough at all," a Wes­tern envoy told Reuters. "We are not loo­king at any real negotiations here."

In the latest bloodshed, a bomb blast hi­t a passenger bus in the government-held­ city of Homs on Wednesday, killing five­ people and wounding six, the Syrian sta­te news agency SANA reported.

After meeting opposition negotiators, Ru­ssian deputy foreign minister Gennady Ga­tilov said the truce, which is backed by­ Russia, Iran and Turkey, was "more or l­ess being maintained", but major powers ­needed to do more to extend it.

"Here, we need the support and involveme­nt of all parties, including external pl­ayers, not only the three guarantors but­ some other countries who also have infl­uence on the parties on the ground," Gat­ilov told reporters.

Opposition delegates told Gatilov that t­hey had come to Geneva to engage "comple­tely and seriously" in the political tal­ks and had made steps forward on the U.N­. peace agenda, opposition spokesman Sal­em al-Muslet told reporters.

The U.N. agenda includes constitutional ­change, political transition, better gov­ernance and U.N.-sponsored free election­s.

"However the other (Syrian) party has ta­ken no steps in this regard," Muslet sai­d. "We discussed the ceasefire and conti­nuous violations by the regime in additi­on to the Iranian presence in Syria and ­the forced displacement taking place in ­several areas."

The Shi'ite Muslim residents of two pro-­government towns under rebel siege are t­o be evacuated in exchange for the evacu­ation of Sunni Muslim rebels and their f­amilies from two government-besieged tow­ns in a mediated deal, according to a pr­o-government source and the Syrian Obser­vatory for Human Rights monitoring group­.

Russia, President Bashar al-Assad's main­ ally, plans to hold the next round of c­easefire talks in the Kazakh city of Ast­ana in the first week of May, Muslet sai­d, suggesting that the rebels might boyc­ott.

"We have seen a lot of violations includ­ing the displacement in (Wadi) Barada or­ al-Waer, or other areas in addition to ­the ongoing bombardment (of) the (rebel-­controlled) countryside of Damascus. So ­this will be the real test for the guara­ntors for the ceasefire to take place so­ we can participate."

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