Assad helicopters drop toxic chlorine on civilians of Latamneh

Assad helicopters targeted Saturday morning (April 29) the city of Latamneh in Hama northern countryside with poisonous chlorine, only weeks after bombarding Khan Sheikhoun’s civilians with sarin gas.

According to Orient correspondent, Assad helicopter flew close to the civilian-populated Latamneh and dropped 6 barrel bombs containing chlorine, causing a number of civilians to suffer from suffocation and shortness of breath.

This is not the first time that the Assad regime has targeted Latamneh with internationally-prohibited weapons.

In a previous attack, Assad terrorists targeted the city at the end of March with chlorine gas, killing a doctor and suffocating others. A few days after, the city was targeted with organophosphate which is used in chemical warfare as nerve agents.

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been investigating eight suspected poison gas attacks in Syria since the beginning of 2017 in eastern Aleppo, its western countryside, south of Homs, northern Hama, and the towns of Damascus and Idlib.

OPCW has been tasked with investigating similar attacks in Syria after the accession of the Assad regime to the Chemical Weapons Convention in 2013, the latest one being Assad’s chemical attack on the civilians of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib countryside which killed more than 100 civilians, majority of whom were children, and injured more than 400.

Human Rights Watch has recently accused Assad terrorist of launching at least eight chemical attacks in the last weeks of the battle of Aleppo in northern Syria, killing nine people, including children.

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