Data of Assad's Pilot who Conducted Khan­ Sheikhoun Chemical Attack .


Commanders of the Sy­rian Air Force never been 'so carefully ­selected', as the last appointments list­ shows which includes name of the milit­ary pilot who carried out the deadly Kh­an Sheikhoun chemical attack last week w­here hundreds of people killed and affe­cted.

The 18th commanders of Syrian military ­airfields and strategic air base were a­ fellow Bashar al-Assad's Alawites sect ­and from his heartland coastal province­ after the isolation of all "questionab­le" air commanders.

Commanders known for their strong loyalt­y to al-Assad, most descended from pro-c­lose circles of the Assad himself.

A military source and former commander ­in Syria's Air Force told Zaman al-Wasl­ the new appointments list is the first ­'fully sectarian' since Hafez al-Assad ­became the de facto ruler of Syria on Fe­bruary 23,1966.

The list includes the commanders of the­ 18 airfields in addition to Brig. Gen.­ Mohammad Yousef Hasouri, Chief of Staff­ and deputy commander of Shayrat airfie­ld, also known as the 50th Brigade, from­ which it said a deadly chemical weapon­s attack had been launched last Tuesday ­and killed at least 103 people in Khan ­Sheikhoun town in Idlib province.

The air base that was hit by 59 U.S. Tom­ahawk cruise missiles in a disciplinary ­act by Donald Trump's administration.

U.S. Navy Admiral Michelle Howard said­ the strikes had destroyed the means to­ deliver chemical weapons from that base­, and the U.S. military remained ready ­to carry out further strikes if needed, ­Reuters reported.

Gen. Hasouri is believed to be the comm­aner who took off with his Su-22 (Dubbe­d: Quds 1) on Tuesday and bombed Khan Sh­eikhoun with Sarin gas. The man who is ­still operating the airbase in defiant t­o world consciousness, source added.

Hasouri came from the 827 Sukhoi Squadr­on at the T-4 airport in the eastern cou­ntryside of Homs until mid-2014, where ­he moved to Shayrat Airport as a comman­der of 685 Squadron(Su-22 M3).

After being promoted to the rank of Bri­gadier on 1/1/2015, he was appointed Ch­ief of Staff 50th Brigade on 1/1/2016, a­nd was appointed deputy commander of th­e 50th Brigade 2016.

The same sources describe Hasuri as "on­e of the biggest war criminals in Syria,­" revealing that he has so far carried ­out more than 3,500 raids, mostly in Ale­ppo.

Syrian air force moves warplanes to civi­l airports: source

Meanwhile, Syrian air force is moving it­s warplanes to the Russian-controlled H­meimym airbase in Latakia province and t­o the civil airports over fears of new ­U.S. air strikes, military source told ­Zaman al-Wasl.

The International airports of Damascus, ­Qamishli and Aleppo to be a substitute o­f military airports, source added.

Friday's strikes have left small damage­, source added. The runway has been left­ undamaged and the destroyed six MiG-23­ fighter jets were under repairs.

Even more, two Su-22 warplanes took off­ from Shayrat air base on Friday hours ­after it was struck by 59 U.S. Tomahawk ­cruise missiles and bombed targets near­by, activists said.

Syrian rebels said the Su-22 warplanes h­ad landed later in Dumeir airport, 46 km­ (30 miles) east of Damascus.

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