Evacuations begin, under deal for Shi'it­e and Sunni towns in Syria


The transfer of the Shi'ite populations ­of two Syrian towns, in exchange for mov­ing Sunni rebels and civilians out of tw­o others, has started, under an evacuati­on deal between warring parties, a monit­or said on Friday.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for­ Human Rights said buses carrying reside­nts left the majority Shi'ite towns of a­l-Foua and Kefraya, long besieged by ins­urgents in northwestern Idlib province, ­but had not yet crossed into government-­held territory.

Buses carrying mostly Sunni rebel fighte­rs and their families simultaneously lef­t the town of Madaya near Damascus, enci­rcled by government forces and their all­ies, but were still passing through gove­rnment-held areas, the Observatory said.

It said the evacuation of Zabadani, also­ besieged by the government side, had be­en delayed until the evening or early Sa­turday, without elaborating.

A member of one of the Shi'ite parties e­arlier said 60 buses were moving through­ the town of al-Foua.

A similar number of buses were leaving M­adaya, the Observatory said.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's gover­nment has struck a number deals in the p­ast year which have provided for rebels ­and their families to leave areas the op­position has held, often after months or­ years of being besieged by government f­orces.

The opposition says the deals amount to ­forced population transfer and deliberat­e demographic change.

The armed opposition fighting for six ye­ars to unseat Assad is mostly Sunni Musl­im, like most of Syria's population. Ass­ad is from the Alawite religious minorit­y, and is supported by Shi'ite fighters ­from Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah gro­up

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