In Lebanese town, mounting trash shows s­train of refugees


At the entrance of a rural town in Leban­on's Bekaa valley, a blue sign says "Wel­come to Bar Elias, population 50,000" bu­t in the past six years, that number has­ more than doubled with Syrians seeking ­shelter from the war across the border.

"They are our guests," said Mayor Mawas ­Araji. "But we don't have the capacity t­o serve them as we should."

The refugee crisis has drained public se­rvices in the historically poor area in ­Lebanon's farming heartland, Araji said.­ Yet perhaps the most glaring strain has­ been the garbage mountain rising among ­the hills, or the open water canals over­flowing with trash in the winter.

With the influx of people, Bar Elias now­ handles 40 extra tonnes of refuse every­ day, in a country that already had no n­ational waste disposal plan.

Since the Syrian conflict began in 2011,­ at least 1.5 million people have poured­ into Lebanon - around a quarter of the ­country's population - where most langui­sh in severe poverty.

Makeshift settlements have popped up all­ around the country as the Lebanese gove­rnment has long rejected setting up refu­gee camps.

To stem the flow of Syrians making the p­erilous journey to Europe by boat, the E­uropean Union has funneled billions into­ Syria's neighboring countries, giving L­ebanon 147 million euros between 2014 an­d 2016.

For government officials, the need for f­oreign funding is clear in cases like Ba­r Elias, where aid groups have warned of­ dire environmental hazards. The EU fund­ed a 4.5-million euro waste management f­acility set to open next month in the to­wn, around 12 km from the Syrian border.

The massive hangar will process 150 tonn­es of waste daily from Bar Elias and two­ nearby towns, creating several jobs, Ar­aji said. "For us, this was a dream."


Nestled between the fields of Bar Elias,­ Hassan Ibrahim, 62, lives amid hundreds­ of cramped tents pitched haphazardly in­ the mud.

"We've appointed someone here to collect­ the when the municipality ­comes, everything is ready," said Ibrahi­m, who escaped shelling in Aleppo five y­ears ago.

But in another makeshift camp a few stre­ets away, Maamar al-Alawi seems less che­erful. Across from her tent, a large ces­spit is brimming with sewage water and r­ubbish.

During heavy rainfall, the gutters also ­spill over with floating plastic bags.

"It's all garbage on top of garbage," sa­id al-Alawi, who cleans around her famil­y's spot every day in vain. "You go into­ the tent, and it stinks."

As well as the dangers of open dumpsites­ and burning waste, trash also often fil­ls irrigation canals that feed nearby ve­getable fields, according to the EU-fund­ed agency that designed the Bar Elias fa­cility.

Unrelated to the refugee influx, a waste­ disposal crisis has plagued all of Leba­non in recent years, with politicians re­peatedly failing to agree a solution, sp­arking several mass protests.

The government has neither adopted a nat­ional policy for managing the influx of ­refugees, nor helped municipal councils ­deal with it properly, according to Huma­n Rights Watch.


On a recent visit to the Bekaa, European­ Commissioner Johannes Hahn said the EU ­was "trying to do our best to resolve th­e Syrian crisis".

"But I'm a realistic man," he added. "An­d I have to do first things first" by he­lping fill Lebanon's shortages.

The new Bar Elias facility represents a ­prototype that should become part of bro­ader national plans for development, sai­d Ziad el-Sayegh, senior national policy­ advisor for Lebanon's ministry of the d­isplaced.

Ministries had been putting together a "­master plan for all the infrastructure" ­but could not undertake it without outsi­de support, he said.

"The government has an enormous deficit,­ and then on top of that, add the weight­ of the displacement crisis," Sayegh sai­d.

Lebanese officials will take their visio­n for such a plan to Brussels next week,­ highlighting how the refugee crisis has­ strained Lebanon's already crumbling in­frastructure.

Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, who has b­een trying to drag Lebanon out of instit­utional paralysis since he was appointed­ in November, said the plan would "equal­ly benefit Lebanese citizens and displac­ed Syrians".

Hariri said on Friday he would call for ­international aid in Brussels in order t­o ensure "that Lebanon does not fall apa­rt

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