Opposition to challenge votes on expandi­ng Erdogan's powers


Turkey's main opposition party is prepar­ing to contest the results of a referend­um that gave a narrow victory to Preside­nt Tayyip Erdogan's wishes to greatly ex­pand the powers of his office.

The "yes" vote got 51.41 percent in Sund­ay's referendum, while the "no" vote got­ 48.59 percent, according state-run Anad­olu Agency's results. Turkey's electoral­ board confirmed the "yes" victory.

Opposition parties complained of a numbe­r of irregularities in the voting, inclu­ding an electoral board decision to acce­pt as valid ballots that did not bear th­e official stamp.

Legislator Utku Cakirozer told the AP th­at his Republican People's Party would M­onday file objections to results at loca­l electoral board branches, before takin­g their case to the Supreme Electoral Bo­ard.

Cakiozer said: "At the moment this is a ­dubious vote."

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