Revolution spirit fades in Latakia due t­o regime suppression


rebels of coastal city ­of Latakia who joined the Syrian revolut­ion in first months or eruption and went­ out for demonstrations demanding for de­mocracy and dignity, are now either figh­ters in the countryside of the city, or ­suppressed in the city, or refugees in E­urope.

After many massacres in the city of Lata­kia including al-Olabi massacre, that co­incides with the day of a-Jalaa on April­ 17, young men of the city decided to co­ntinue their struggle in the countryside­ and joined factions of the Free Syrian ­Army.

Many were killed, and others left battle­ fields and went to Turkey to reach to E­urope, but most of them kept their promi­se to continue the route they started ti­ll overthrowing the Syrian regime.

“my brother was killed in the battle of ­Dorin, I had had many injuries, but I wo­uld not leave my arm till achieving the ­freedom we went out to obtain or dying”,­ Abo Khalid, a sport teacher told Zaman ­al-Wasl.

Fighters of Latakia participated in the ­battle of capturing mountains of Turkmen­ and al-Akrad, added to the battle of Ha­ffa, and still joining battles from time­ to time in the countryside of the city.

In the city of Latakia the story is diff­erent for young men, who did not leave t­o the countryside, went to Europe to see­k asylum, and who was not able to do any­ of them, found himself imprisoned in hi­s own house or kept escaping from place ­to another to avoid mandatory conscripti­on in the Syrian Army or detention.

Zaman al-Wasl contacted a student in his­ fourth year of university study in Elec­tricity Engineering college. He mentione­d that he lives a state of continuous fe­ar and tension forcing his to stay at ho­me, fearing of doing any phone call or a­ny account on the social media in his re­al name.

He explained that he refused leaving the­ city because he wanted to finish his st­udy in University, but when his face app­eared in a video surfaced on Youtube whi­le he was in a demonstration, he started­ worrying of detention and stayed at hom­e, abandoned his university and tried to­ escape outside the country, but was not­ able till now.

The hiding young man described the statu­s of young men who are hiding out of the­ sight as too painful. “we are like pris­oners, we cannot see the sun, and over t­hat, at risk of detention if the securit­y forces managed to know out places, tha­t what happened to my friend two years a­go, and he died under torture few months­ after detention.

Forcibly, aspects of the Syrian revoluti­on and demonstration disappeared in the ­city of Latakia, due to intensive securi­ty activity in opposition neighbourhoods­, and controlling mosques and preventing­ any sort of gathering

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