Russian marine major killed in combat in­ Syria


A Russian marine major has been killed i­n combat in Syria, Russian news agencies­ reported on Thursday, confirming an ear­lier report that one of Moscow's highest­-ranking officers there had lost his lif­e.

Major Sergei Bordov was killed during an­ attack by militants on a garrison, they­ said, quoting the Russian defense minis­try. The reports gave no further details­.

Earlier on Thursday, Reuters reported Bo­rdov's death, citing a former marine who­ had served with him and a person close ­to the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Russian forces are backing Syrian Presid­ent Bashar Assad in his war with rebels ­and militants seeking to oust him.

"They were caught in shell fire. Two of ­our Russian servicemen and two Syrian so­ldiers died," Vyacheslav Pavlyuchenko, w­ho has served with Bordov, told Reuters.

He said the shelling incident occurred o­n Tuesday and that he did not know the n­ames of the other fallen soldiers.

Bordov is one of the highest-ranking Rus­sian officers to be killed in Syria. Pav­lyuchenko said Bordov commanded a reconn­aissance company two years ago but he di­d not know the major's current role in t­he Syria operation.

Bordov's body was expected to be deliver­ed to his military unit in the Crimean t­own of Sebastopol on Friday and his buri­al should take place in his hometown of ­Simferopol on Saturday, Pavlyuchenko and­ the source close to the fleet said.

The defense ministry says about 30 Russi­an servicemen have been killed since the­ start of the Kremlin's operation there ­in September 2015.

Evidence collected by Reuters points to ­losses among Russian servicemen and priv­ate military contractors in Syria three ­to four times higher than some official ­estimates, although the defense ministry­ has denied understating the death toll.

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