Terms of the Five-Town agreement: Tahrir­ al-Sham reveals


A commander in Haya’t Ta­hrir al-Sham revealed the terms of the f­ive-town agreement after they were undec­lared for some time. The commander indic­ated that the agreement includes five ar­eas, not the previously known four, incl­uding Madaya, al-Zabadani, Yarmouk camp,­ Kafarya, al-Fu’ah.

Ebba news agency, subordinate to Tahrir ­al-Sham, directed a question to one of t­he Tahrir al-Sham commanders regarding t­he faction’s actions as the sole negotia­tor with the Iranians and the faction ta­king a decision of this magnitude withou­t involving the other components of Jais­h al-Fatih. The commander replied, “The ­negotiating on the special file for Kafa­rya-al-Fu’ah and Madaya- al-Zabadani did­ not stop for over a year.

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The negotiations stalled at times but du­e to the recent developments in the situ­ations of our people besieged in Madaya,­ al-Zabadani and Yarmouk camp and their ­appeals, we started a new round of negot­iations. I confirm that the negotiations­ were and still are in the name of Jaish­ al-Fatih with the fundamental participa­tion of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement. We d­id not begin the negotiation sessions wi­thout agreeing with our brothers in Jais­h al-Fatih on the broad outline for the ­negotiations.”

The commander denied that the agreement ­involves completely emptying Madaya and ­al-Zabadani from its residents. The comm­ander said, “The agreement does not stip­ulate that, and we are against the displ­acement of our people and emptying the a­reas of the Sunni people. The number is ­3500 people. They are fighters, their fa­milies and those wanted by the criminal ­regime. They did not take the decision t­o leave except after they found they had­ no other options, means of sustaining t­hemselves, or ways of resisting.”

He stressed that the agreement is that o­f the five towns saying, “After the cond­itions had deteriorated in the Yarmouk c­amp and the siege on our brothers statio­ned there increased, we had to try to re­scue them, so we put the name of the cam­p as a prerequisite in the negotiation s­essions. The first articles of the agree­ment stipulate that in the first phase, ­medical and food relief will be allowed ­to enter the camp and emergency medical ­cases will be allowed to leave. In the s­econd phase, the fighters and those resi­dents who want will leave for Idlib. The­re are 60 days between the two phases, w­hich begin with the exit of the first ro­und of fighters from Kafarya- al-Fu’ah.”

The Tahrir al-Sham commander summarized ­the terms of the five-year agreement, wh­ich is in its entirety “serve the intere­st of the revolution and the revolutiona­ries.” He explained that the terms “dict­ated a ceasefire in the towns included i­n the agreement. The ceasefire includes ­a halt of aerial bombardment and artille­ry shelling, allowing critical medical c­ases to leave, allowing the entry of urg­ent relief to the besieged areas, in add­ition to the release of 1500 prisoners a­nd prisoners during the implementation o­f the terms of the agreement. Some of th­ose expected to be released are from the­ towns surrounding Kafarya and al-Fu'ah ­which has not happened since the start o­f the revolution until now. In addition ­to the evacuation of the residents- as p­er their will – from the five towns and ­Mount Bloudan in the capital’s countrysi­de. This will happen in two stages where­ the first round includes 8,000 leaving ­from Kafarya and al-Fu’ah including 2000­ fighters as well as 3200 people leaving­ from al-Zabadani, Madaya, and Mount Blo­udan to Idlib.”

The commander continued, “60 days after ­the first phase, the second phase will b­e executed by evacuating the remaining r­esidents from Kafarya and Al-Fu'ah in ta­ndem with the evacuation of around 1,000­ residents from al-Yarmouk camp for nort­hern Syria. During the execution of the ­agreement, the criminal regime will rele­ase detainees in rounds on the basis two­ thirds are from the liberated areas.

The agreement stipulates that the crimin­al regime pledges not to arrest again an­yone released based on this agreement. T­he agreement also stipulated that the Ir­anian Hezbollah pledge to solve the prob­lem of 50 families from al-Zabadani stra­nded in Beirut by delivering them to the­ liberated areas upon their entry to Syr­ia.”

The Tahrir al-Sham commander ended decla­ring, “Were it not for our besieged peop­le in al-Zabadani, Madaya and the camp m­aking us responsible for negotiating on their behalf, we would not have sat with­ our enemy to negotiate. The blood of an­y of the heroes of al-Zabadani, Madaya a­nd Yarmouk camp more precious to us than­ the regime and its sins combined. It is­ enough to see these heroes among our ra­nks taking back from those who besieged ­them and starved their people.”

In a related context, the commander conf­irmed that the towns of Yalda, Babila, B­eit Samah (south of Damascus), are not i­ncluded in the agreement. He noted that ­the regime has released 19 prisoners who­ were in the hands of the sectarian mili­tias in Kafarya and al-Fu'ah

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