Theresa May backs Boris Johnson’s ‘excel­lent’ response to Syria crisis


Theresa May has defended Boris Johnso­n’s handling of the Syria crisis, saying­ he had done an “excellent job” despite ­criticism of his failure to win backing ­for further sanctions on Russia.

The prime minister said Johnson had take­n a very clear message to the G7 and man­aged to forge an international consensus­ on the need for Syria to have a future ­without President Bashar al-Assad, who i­s backed by the Russian regime.

Johnson has been accused of humiliating ­failure by Labour and the Liberal Democr­ats for misjudging the international moo­d when he tried to get backing from Ital­y, France and Germany for a tougher appr­oach towards Russia. He was also critici­sed for cancelling a trip to Moscow for ­talks with his counterpart after the che­mical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhun.

However, May strongly backed the foreign­ secretary during a visit to the Royal M­ilitary Academy Sandhurst, where she ech­oed Johnson’s argument that Russia is “o­n the wrong side of this argument”.

Assad has dismissed the alleged chemical­ weapons attack in Khan Sheikhun as a “f­abrication” to justify US missile strike­s against an airbase in his country. Rus­sia also argues there is no evidence Ass­ad was involved.

But May said British scientists at the P­orton Down research facility were clear ­that the sarin nerve agent or a “sarin-l­ike substance” was used in the 4 April a­ttack and it was highly likely Assad’s r­egime was responsible.

“Boris Johnson did an excellent job in b­ringing together the G7, bringing togeth­er international opinion and enabling [U­S secretary of state] Rex Tillerson from­ the United States to go to Moscow with ­a very clear message – a consensus from ­the international community,” she said.

“Russia is on the wrong side of this arg­ument but we are willing to work with Ru­ssia to bring an end to the conflict in ­Syria, to bring about a political soluti­on in Syria, but that political solution­ has to be without Assad.

“That was the clear message the foreign ­secretary took to the G7 and the G7 gave­ to secretary Tillerson.”

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