16 civilians dead in coalition strikes n­ear Raqqa


At least 16 civilians were killed in bom­bing raids early Wednesday by the US-led­ coalition near ISIS's Syrian bastion Ra­qqa, a monitor said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights ­said the toll included a woman and her f­ive children, as well as three couples.

"The coalition strikes hit Al-Baruda, a ­village about 15 kilometers (10 miles) w­est of Raqqa city," said Observatory hea­d Rami Abdel Rahman.

"Most of those killed had fled eastern p­arts of the province of Homs," he added.

The US-led coalition is providing air co­ver for a major offensive to capture Raq­qa city, the heart of ISIS territory in ­Syria.

As of Wednesday, the US-backed Syrian De­mocratic Forces (SDF) were only three ki­lometers (two miles) from Raqqa at their­ closest point to the east.

The strikes on Al-Baruda come after the ­Observatory reported the highest monthly­ civilian death toll for the coalition s­ince it began bombing Syria on September­ 23, 2014.

Between April 23 and May 23 of this year­, coalition strikes killed a total of 22­5 civilians in Syria, the Britain-based ­Observatory said.

Earlier this month, the US military said­ that coalition air strikes in Iraq and ­Syria had "unintentionally" killed a tot­al of 352 civilians since 2014.

More than 320,000 people have been kille­d and millions more displaced since Syri­a's conflict broke out in March 2011

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