Batch 8 of al-Waer’s population prepare for displacement today

A new batch of Syrians from al-Waer’s besieged neighborhood in Homs is due to be displaced today on Thursday (May 4), following a previous batch that was displaced last Sunday.

A meeting was held on Wednesday (May 3) between representatives of al-Waer’s population and an Assad regime delegation, Orient News correspondent Judy Arash reported. During the meeting, the two sides agreed on allowing vehicles owned by people wanted by Assad regime to exit al-Waer neighborhood to other areas in Homs.

Another outcome of the meeting was that those who were displaced from al-Waer and wanted by Assad regime will be dealt with as "expatriates". Any person who wants to obtain a passport can get one after paying $ 800, Arash added.

The batch, expected to leave today, includes about 2000 people and its destination will be Jarablus city on the Syrian - Turkish border, according to Arash. She also said that the buses which will transport the displaced people are expected to enter al-Waer Thursday at noon.

This is the 8th batch of al-Waer’s IDPs to leave the neighborhood. The previous batch, which left on Sunday (April 30), headed northward to Idlib province.

The forced displacement of al-Waer population started mid-March after a Russia-brokered deal with the Assad regime following a severe campaign of carpet-bombing on al-Waer, which killed and injured dozens.

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