Syria 9 republics so far ..

The provision of a single blood point in the body of a Syrian child deserves to take steps and steps towards the opponent, and sit with him at one table may be the most powerful criminal, and this is what the Syrian negotiator did and voluntarily or forcibly between Alastaneh and Geneva.

Although he did not have the luxury of acceptance or rejection of ideas, but we will heal ourselves and pretend that they did so in the hope of briefly some of the blood shed to no avail so far.

The Syrian opposition negotiator will welcome a positive reception from the Syrian oppressed to the outcome of the 4 th (if he is), and the victors will be victorious.

The assessment of victory is a monopoly on the oppressed Syrian who held his house or tent inside Syria. His dream should not be considered if he thought about his security today and ignored the repercussions of what was adopted in Alastaneh on his country and the future of Syria.

I do not believe that his accumulated pain prevents him from looking at all the contents of the courses of the Aesthene. There is no doubt that he will find a plan in which Syria will become nine Syrians and that it will not be shortened by the shells of Al-Assad and the fear of them. It will not be an umbrella that prevents the drums of the regime and Russian missiles or shields, .

After a leaflet on my personal page, I pointed out that I am Syria, by virtue of the output of the vestments, eight Syrians, and later 9, a 20-year-old activist who lives in one of the Lattakia countryside camps enumerated these areas even though I did not.

Majd agreed with me that it is as follows: the first four are the reduction of tension; the fifth is the areas controlled by the regime from Damascus to Lattakia in addition to Aleppo, the sixth are the areas under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the seventh is the area of ​​the Euphrates Shield, Under the rule of "state" in the regions of Euphrates and the island, while the ninth is the Swede.

Each area of ​​influence characteristics distinct from the other, and strange that the four areas included in the "tension mitigation" will be the bloodiest in the next phase, because it includes elements of the Front of victory, which asked the statement of the moderate opposition Istana participation with the forces of the regime and Iranian-backed militias in the fight, "Tension relief".

The "state" control areas are the target of the missiles and operations of the local international forces that claim to fight terrorism. Upon completion of the organization, these world powers share their positions and share the wealth of the region, and America has the largest share.

In the geography of the Syrian democratic forces, where the Americans and the Russians share influence, and clashing in secret on the space, and looks "happy" the two countries eager to support without an in-depth look to prevent it in the future.

The importance of the Euphrates shield area will not exceed the forced exile of victims of sectarian displacement, in which the free army will carry out the directives of the Turkish ally.

Russia plans to increase the number of Syrians to 9 by proposing the establishment of a Druze army in Swaida responsible for the security of the ninth republic.

The Syrian understands that these areas of influence are a prelude to the actual division of the beautiful country of Syria, and it seems optimistic that he sees it as the "federalism" that has long been rejected by both sides of the conflict except for the Kurdish component in general.

Although the likelihood of a decline in violence is far from dozens of reasons, if it happened, the Syrian would not be given joy, because his Russian and Iranian murderers would find an officer to control his life, control the flow of food and medicine, meet him at checkpoints and crossing points.

The former Astanat summed up the Syrian memory of defeats and displacement, and it was also bad that what came out of it to the public less than hidden, and later appeared a new coercion on the ground, which is ignorant of what is hiding the last Istana, and raises about the texts issued by dozens of questions, which is accustomed to Russian treason and calls The Syrian negotiator announced everything at once.

Each sentence in the statement of Astana carries several faces, and the strong party will work to interpret it in order to serve its objectives. He has made the opponent a referee, and the loyal Syrian and the opposition are not allowed to deny him the honor of rejecting or accepting what has been decided.

Syria is looking forward to the American action. Will Trump's administration implement its intention to cut off the Iranian hand in Syria and eliminate the organization of the state and then the removal of Assad, and Russia is striving to make this statement a basis for establishing with America the solution in Syria?

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