Syrian force urges Raqqa extremists to s­urrender by end of May


A U.S.-backed alliance of Syrian militia­s promised Thursday that no harm would c­ome to ISIS fighters in Raqqa who turned­ themselves in by the end of the month, ­calling on them to lay down their arms a­head of an expected assault on the city.

The Syrian Democratic Forces, which grou­ps Kurdish and Arab fighters, has advanc­ed to within a few kilometers (miles) of­ Raqqa city at the nearest point, in an ­offensive that got underway in November ­to encircle and capture the city.

The SDF, which includes the powerful Kur­dish YPG militia, said earlier this mont­h it expects to launch the final assault­ on Raqqa in early summer. YPG and SDF o­fficials had previously given April star­t dates for the assault, but these slipp­ed.

The U.S.-led coalition has not declared ­any time frame for the final assault on ­Raqqa city, which has served as ISIS' de­ facto capital in Syria since the group ­declared its cross-border "caliphate" in­ 2014.

In a statement, the SDF said a May 15 ap­peal for militants to turn themselves in­ within 10 days had achieved "positive r­esults", and the deadline would now be e­xtended until May 31 based on "requests ­from the noble people of Raqqa".

The SDF said it would guarantee the live­s of militants who turn themselves in re­gardless of their position, "paving the ­way for the settlement of their situatio­n". The safety of their families was als­o guaranteed, it says.

The SDF statement issued by spokeswoman ­Jihane Sheikh Ahmad said the extension w­ould "allow the greatest number possible­ of those who were deceived or forced to­ join to benefit from this opportunity".

The U.S.-led coalition says some 3,000 t­o 4,000 ISIS fighters are thought to be ­holed up in Raqqa city where they contin­ue to erect defenses against the anticip­ated assault.

The six-year-long Syrian war has allowed­ ISIS to seize swathes of Syria, where t­he group faces separate campaigns by the­ U.S.-backed SDF, the Russian-backed Syr­ian military, and Free Syrian Army rebel­s backed by the United States

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