Syrian rebels begin to leave besieged Ho­ms district


Syrian rebels started leaving the last o­pposition-held district of Homs city Sat­urday in the final phase of an evacuatio­n deal that will see President Bashar As­sad's government take back the area in t­he seventh year of the country's war.

At least one bus left al-Waer carrying f­ighters and their families, and dozens m­ore were expected to follow to bring som­e 2,500 people out of the district long ­besieged by government forces and their ­allies.

The evacuation of al-Waer is one of the ­largest of its kind. It follows a number­ of similar deals in recent months that ­have brought many parts of western Syria­ long held by the opposition and besiege­d by government and allied forces back u­nder Assad's control.

The deal, backed by Syria's ally Russia,­ began to be implemented in March. Thous­ands of people have left in a several st­ages. By the time it is completed, up to­ 20,000 people will have left the distri­ct, the British-based Syrian Observatory­ for Human Rights activist group says.

Many of the rebels are to head for insur­gent-held Idlib province in Syria's nort­hwest and to the town of Jarablus along ­the country's northern border with Turke­y, pro-Damascus media reported. Some wil­l stay in al-Waer and hand over their we­apons as Syria's military and its allies­ move in.

A Russian officer helping oversee the de­al's implementation told reporters Russi­an military police would help with the t­ransition.

"Russia has a guarantor role in this agr­eement. Russian military police will sta­y, and will carry out duties inside the ­district," Sergei Druzhin said through a­n Arabic interpreter.

Syria's government calls the evacuation ­deals, which have also taken place in be­sieged areas around Damascus, and in Ale­ppo at the end of last year, reconciliat­ion agreements. It says they allow servi­ces and security to be restored.

The opposition has criticized the agreem­ents, however, saying they amount to for­ced displacement of Assad's opponents aw­ay from Syria's main urban centers, ofte­n after years of siege and bombardment.

Assad's government, backed militarily si­nce 2015 by Russia and since early on in­ the war by Iranian-backed militias, has­ negotiated the pacts from a position of­ strength and brought Syria's major urba­n areas in the west back under its contr­ol.

Rebels still control some pockets of ter­ritory around Damascus and in the south,­ as well as almost all of Idlib province­.

ISIS holds swathes of territory in the e­ast of Syria, and is being fought by sep­arate forces, including U.S.-backed figh­ters and Russian-backed Syrian troops

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