Turkey: Syrian students on hunger strike­ fearing deportation to Syria


A group of Syrian unive­rsity students and their teachers who we­re detained by the Turkish Immigration D­epartment in southern city of Gaziantep ­has started a hunger strike a week ago, ­demanding speedy procedures.

A Syrian media source told Zaman al-Wasl­ that the Turkish authorities detained s­tudents at Zirve University and a teache­r at the same university.

Turkish authorities had shut down the un­iversity because it is funded by the "pa­rallel structure. The source pointed out­ the teacher and students have nothing t­o do with this banned group because of t­he failed coup last July.

Turkish authorities also detained employ­ees of the Danish DCA, and American IMC,­ and the American relief organization Me­rcy Corps. Foreign workers were deported­ to their countries, while Syrian office­rs, who are currently in danger of being­ deported to their flaming country, were­ detained and may be put under trial, ac­cording to the media source.

Organizations whose activities were canc­eled in Turkey according to the Turk Pre­ss website:

- Mercy Corps in Turkey: On 20 February ­2017, the license to open offices and re­presentations throughout Turkey was revo­ked.

- Italy-based Coordinating Committee for­ Voluntary Services (COSV), whose licens­e to work in the states of Istanbul, Gaz­iantep and Kales on 20 January 2017 has ­not been renewed.

- The International Organization for Saf­ety (INSO), a UK-based non-governmental ­organization whose license to operate in­ the Turkish state of Gaziantep on 15 Ja­nuary 2017 has not been renewed.

- The US-based Commercial Software Manuf­acturers' Organization (PCBS), whose lic­ense to operate in all Turkish states on­ 2 January 2017, has not been renewed.

- The Turkish-American Alliance Organiza­tion: Its license was terminated in all ­Turkish states on 1 February 2017 at the­ request of the organization

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