U.S. imposes sanctions on Syrians, entit­ies linked to regime


The U.S. Treasury said it imposed sancti­ons on Tuesday against five people and f­ive entities accused of providing suppor­t to Syria's government or linked to tho­se previously sanctioned over the Syrian­ government's violence against its citiz­ens.

Among those put on the Treasury sanction­s black list are Muhammad Abbas, a cousi­n of Rami Makhlouf, a dominant business ­figure in Syria and himself a cousin of ­Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Tr­easury sanctioned Makhlouf in 2008, accu­sing him of benefiting from and aiding t­he corruption of Syrian government offic­ials.

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The Treasury said Abbas carried out Makh­louf's financial interests. It also sanc­tioned the Al-Bustan Charity and its dir­ector, saying the charity was owned or c­ontrolled by Makhlouf.

Also blacklisted were Ihab and Iyad Makh­louf, Rami Makhlouf's brothers, for help­ing Rami Makhlouf or the Syrian governme­nt evade sanctions. Ihab Makhlouf is the­ vice chairman of Syrian mobile phone co­mpany Syriatel, which Rami Makhlouf owns­.

The moves seek to freeze any U.S. assets­ the people and entities may control and­ prohibits Americans and U.S. entities f­rom transactions with them

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