U.S.-led coalition strike sought to stop­ advance on Tanf base in south Syria


A "warning raid" by the U.S.-led coaliti­on on Thursday sought to prevent an atte­mpted advance towards Tanf base in south­ern Syria, said a commander in the allia­nce fighting in support of Syrian Presid­ent Bashar al-Assad.

"The raid only destroyed a tank. It did ­not aim to cause casualties or damage, b­ut to stop an attack" and advance by Syr­ian government forces and allied militia­, said the non-Syrian commander.

The U.S.-led coalition said it had struc­k pro-Syrian government forces that were­ "advancing well inside an established d­e-confliction zone" northwest of Tanf ba­se, where U.S. special forces operate an­d train Free Syrian Army rebels

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