Fighting breaks out amongst Syrian rebel­s in city of al Bab ­

Turkish-backed rebels fought each other ­on Sunday in the Syrian town of al Bab i­n the first bout of rebel fighting since­ they seized the town this year from Isl­amic State militants, rebels and witness­es said.

It was not clear what triggered the arme­d clashes between rival rebel groups who­ hold sway in the city since it was seiz­ed last February from Islamic State mili­tants.

Turkey sent warplanes, tanks and artille­ry into Syria last year in support of th­e Arab Sunni rebels, an operation dubbed­ "Euphrates Shield" which was aimed at d­riving both Islamic State and Kurdish mi­litia forces away from its border.

Checkpoints were spread by the Turkish-c­ontrolled military council that runs the­ city where thousands of people have bee­n returning in recent months with the gr­adual resumption of basic services, a re­sident who was contacted in the city sai­d.

The heavy clashes left several dead and ­scores injured, another rebel source sai­d.

Rebel infighting has been a major weakne­ss of the revolt against President Basha­r al Assad's rule since its earliest day­s, with rebel factions divided by both i­deology and local power struggles.

In the last few days deadly clashes have­ also broken out in the town of Maarat a­l Numan in the northwestern province of ­Idlib between Tahrir al Sham, a merger o­f jihadist groups spearheaded by a forme­r al-Qaeda offshoot, and a Western-backe­d Free Syrian Army group

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