Singapore police arrest first female ISI­S suspect ­

Police in Singapore have detained a pres­chool assistant who shared pro-ISIS mate­rials online and intended to travel to S­yria, their first arrest of a female all­eged sympathizer of the radical group.

The Home Affairs Ministry said in a stat­ement Monday that 22-year-old Syaikhah I­zzah Zahrah Al Ansari was arrested earli­er this month under the country's Intern­al Security Act, which allows for indefi­nite detention without trial.

The statement said she had been radicali­zed in 2013 by online propaganda related­ to ISIS and in turn posted materials on­ social media supporting the group. It s­aid she had expressed willingness to go ­to Syria, take military training and mar­ry an ISIS member.

Singaporean authorities have detained 14­ male suspected ISIS sympathizers since ­2015

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