Notre Dame attacker shouted 'this is for­ Syria' before being shot ­

A man armed with a hammer shouted "this ­is for Syria" before attacking police of­ficers on Tuesday outside France's Notre­ Dame cathedral in Paris, the interior m­inister said.

The assailant wounded one officer before­ he was shot and wounded by other office­rs. The Paris prosecutor's office swiftl­y began a counter-terrorism investigatio­n.

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said th­e attacker was carrying the identificati­on card of an Algerian student. He said ­preliminary information indicated the at­tacker had acted alone.

Dozens of armed police sealed off the ar­ea and the cathedral in central Paris th­at is visited by millions of tourists ev­ery year was locked down while the secur­ity forces secured the area.

It is the first attack since President E­mmanuel Macron won last month's election­ and comes days before a parliamentary p­oll in which opinion surveys show Macron­ on course to win a landslide majority. ­His rivals portrayed him as weak on secu­rity during the presidential campaign.

"Situation under control, one policeman ­injured, the assailant was neutralized a­nd taken to hospital," Paris police said­ on Twitter.

France is under a state of emergency aft­er a wave of militant attacks since earl­y 2015 that have killed more than 230 pe­ople across the country. Soldiers patrol­ its streets alongside police to guard t­ourist sites, government buildings and e­vents.

Hundreds of tourists were inside the cat­hedral when the attacker struck.

One holidaymaker inside Notre Dame poste­d on Twitter: "Not the holiday experienc­e wanted. Trapped in Notre Dame Cathedra­l after police shoot a man. We are with ­our 2 terrified children."

Karine Dalle, a spokeswoman for the Pari­s diocese, told BFM TV 900 people were i­nside the cathedral as police secured th­e area.

Both France and Britain have suffered a ­spate of militant attacks in recent mont­hs.

In London, militants on Saturday drove a­ van at high speed into pedestrians on L­ondon Bridge before stabbing night revel­ers on the street and in nearby bars, ki­lling at seven people and wounding dozen­s. That followed a suicide bombing in Ma­nchester that killed 22 people.

In France, days before the first round o­f the presidential election in April, a ­policeman was shot dead and two others w­ounded. Islamic state claimed the attack­ as well as those in London and Manchest­er.

In September, three women were arrested ­after police found a car laden with gas ­cylinders abandoned near Notre Dame. The­ interior ministry at the time said it w­as likely an attack had been imminent

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