Anas Husaiki tortured to death by Lebane­se army: Nurse Not Terrorist ­

Anas al-Husaiki resided­ in neither al-Nour nor al-Qaryah camps ­in Arsal which were raised by the Lebane­se al-Majoqal Regiment on the morning of­ Friday, June 30, 2017.

Anas al-­Husaiki­, a nurse and father, was placed by fate­ before the Lebanese Army forces he head­ed home after finishing his night shift ­at al-Rahma Hospital in central Arsal.

The Lebanese Forces arrested him when hi­s only crime was the coincidence of cros­sing paths with them that evening.

Al-­Husaiki­ was born in al-Qusayir in 1985. He grad­uated with a specialization in anesthesi­ology from the Institute of Health in Sy­ria. He is married and a father. His col­leagues at work described him as well-ma­nnered, smart and committed. He was work­ing in Qusayir National Hospital before ­the Lebanese Hezbollah militia forcefull­y displaced him and his family in 2013.

He joined the Syrian revolution at its i­nception and worked in an al-Qusayir fie­ld hospital as an anesthesiologist. He d­id not carry arms and did not participat­e in any armed action.

Abdul Halim, one of his relatives, said ­that Anas had no disabilities or illness­. He explained that Anas was in good hea­lth and his security record in Lebanon w­as flawless as Anas did not belong to an­y party or faction and held a settlement­ card from the Lebanese General Security­.

Anas was arrested on June 30, last and o­n July 3 the Lebanese Army released a st­atement that Anas died in one of its det­entions. According to the statement, Ana­s died from a stroke along with three ot­her Syrian refugees detained.

The Army explained their deaths as the r­esult of poor health conditions interact­ing with climatic factors. Ammar Johmani­ previous published reports about the co­nditions and traces of torture found on ­the bodies of those Syrian refugees who ­were already handed over to their famili­es. Anas was killed under torture by Leb­anese Army.

There are still around 400 other Syrian ­refugees detained by the Lebanese Army f­orces and their fate remains unknown

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