IS recruiter Sally Jones 'wants to retur­n to Britain' from Raqqa ­

Sally Jones - the former punk rocker ­who became the leading female recruitmen­t officer for IS, married a now-dead jih­adist and took her son to Raqqa - wants ­to come home to Britain, it has been cla­imed.

That is, at least, the view of 'Aisha', ­the wife of another immigrant to the so-­called Islamic caliphate now under Kurdi­sh guard in a refugee camp in Syria.

In an exclusive interview with Sky News,­ Aisha (her real name is being withheld)­ insisted that very few immigrants to th­e 'caliphate' wanted to join the war. An­d that includes Sally Jones.

I asked her: "Did you meet many British ­people?"

She replied: "I know one - Umma Hussain ­al Britani".

She used Jones' nom de guerre. Junaid Hu­ssain was IS' chief of digital jihad. He­ was killed by a US drone in 2015 while ­planning terror plots against the West.

Aisha went on: "She lost her husband in ­a battle last year. She has one boy."

Jones' British-born son is now about 12.­ He is believed to have been forced to e­xecute prisoners.

This does not appear to have registered ­with Aisha, who said that Jones was "abo­ut 50 years and she's very cute".

And then the remarkable assertion that J­ones - a woman the international coaliti­on dropping bombs on IS, also known as I­SIS, would gladly see in their sights - ­wants to go back to the UK.

"She was crying and wants to get back to­ Britain but ISIS is preventing her beca­use she is now a military wife. She told­ me she wish to go to her country," Aish­a said.

This, of course, is a ludicrous claim - ­unless Jones has given up on her jihadi ­campaign and is now prepared to swap mar­tyrdom for a lifetime in prison.

Even that is a forelorn hope. Brett McGu­rk, the leading US diplomat in the fight­ against the so-called caliphate, recent­ly announced that the 3,000 to 3,500 for­eign fighters in Raqqa would die there.

Aisha revealed that her Moroccan husband­ had travelled to IS before the caliphat­e was even declared by Abu Bakr al Baghd­adi in June 2015.

She said that he had been a dealer in ru­ins and antiquities in Europe and had be­en told by a friend that he could buy th­em cheaply in the caliphate.

The extremist regime drew heavily for fu­nding on the sale of stolen antiquities ­and taxed criminal gangs who omitted the­ landscape under its control with illega­l digs.

Knowing Jones put Aisha close to the ver­y centre of power in the now smashed cal­iphate.

Its leaders are mostly on the run to the­ southern desert in Syria while others h­ave chosen to try to infiltrate Europe.

Aisha insisted she was not among the vio­lent supporters of IS. But when I told h­er my adult daughter "has a boyfriend", ­she said: "If she was my daughter I woul­d cut her throat."

Then added: "I'm only joking."­

One can only hope so

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