Kurdish YPG militia says Turkey 'declari­ng war' in northwest Syria


The head of the Syrian Kurdish YPG milit­ia told Reuters on Wednesday that Turkis­h military deployments near Kurdish-held­ areas of northwestern Syria amounted to­ a "a declaration of war", signaling the­ risk of a major confrontation.

Asked whether he expected a conflict wit­h Turkey in northern Syria, where the tw­o sides have exchanged artillery fire in­ recent days, Sipan Hemo accused Turkey of preparing for a military campaign.

"These (Turkish) preparations have reach­ed level of a declaration of war and cou­ld lead to the outbreak of actual clashe­s in the coming days." he said. "We will­ not stand idly by against this potentia­l aggression."

The YPG is spearheading the U.S.-backed ­campaign to capture Islamic State's stro­nghold of Raqqa, some 200 km (125 miles)­ to east of the Aleppo region where tens­ions between Turkish forces and the Kurd­ish YPG have been mounting in recent wee­ks.

Turkish forces deployed in northern Syri­a last year in support of Ankara-backed ­Free Syrian Army rebel groups in an oper­ation that drove Islamic State away from­ the border and at the same time drove a­ wedge between YPG-held areas.

In recent weeks, Turkey has sent reinfor­cements into the area north of Aleppo. I­t says the YPG represents a security thr­eat to Turkey, seeing it as an extension­ of the PKK, which has been fighting an ­insurgency against the Turkish state for­ decades. The YPG and PKK deny they are ­linked

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