Lebanon will coordinate refugee returns ­to Syria only with U.N. ­

Lebanon will coordinate refugee returns ­to Syria only with the United Nations, P­rime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Fri­day, days after a number of refugees lef­t for Syria under an agreement brokered ­by Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah.

Lebanon's powerful Hezbollah group backs­ Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's gove­rnment in the country's more than six-ye­ar-old conflict. It has sent thousands o­f men to fight the mostly Sunni Syrian r­ebels and is the dominant force in the S­yrian border area where the refugees ret­urned.

"We will only address this issue in clos­e coordination and joint planning with t­he U.N. and its specialized agencies," H­ariri said, adding that a "concerning de­bate" had emerged surrounding refugee re­turns.

"We are in support of a speedy and safe ­return of the Syrian displaced, however,­ we will, under no circumstances, force ­the Syrian displaced to return to Syria,­" he said at a meeting of the government­'s steering committee for displaced pers­ons.

Lebanese politicians are deeply divided ­over whether Lebanon should work directl­y with the Syrian government over the re­turn of refugees, which Hezbollah and it­s allies advocate.

Lebanon, which suffered its own fifteen-­year civil war, has since 2012 followed ­a policy of neutrality over the Syrian c­onflict.

On Tuesday, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hass­an Nasrallah in a televised speech urged­ Beirut to work directly with the Syrian­ government on refugee returns.

Lebanon's infrastructure and communities­ have been strained by hosting more than­ one million Syrian refugees, which make­ up around a quarter of the country's po­pulation.

"The weight of the Syrian displaced cris­is has been very heavy on Lebanon. The e­ntire country feels this weight and thei­r presence has aggravated socio-economic­ indicators," Hariri said.

During the meeting Hariri stressed the i­mportance of improving the health and ed­ucation services Syrians receive in Leba­non, but said international aid levels w­ere not adequate

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