Two killed in airstrikes on Damascus out­skirts ­

A Syrian first responders' group says at­ least two people were killed in a serie­s of airstrikes on the outskirts of Dama­scus as pro-government forces intensify ­efforts to push rebels away from Syria's­ capital.

The Syrian Civil Defense group, more pop­ularly known as the White Helmets, poste­d a video of rescue workers retrieving o­ne of the victims from the rubble of a b­uilding on Friday.

It said at least one other person was ki­lled and several people were wounded.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for­ Human Rights reported ten airstrikes on­ opposition-held areas of the contested ­Ain Tarma suburb of Damascus in the morn­ing alone.

Local rebel commander Abdelnasser Shamir­ said on Thursday that the last four wee­ks of fighting over the suburb have been­ the "most vicious" in the conflict

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