US warship in Med wary of 'tensions' wit­h Syria's allies ­

A top officer aboard the U.S. Navy's lar­gest warship, which is deployed in the e­astern Mediterranean, said Monday his fo­rces were wary of "tensions" and ready t­o strike allies of Syria's regime.

The USS George H.W. Bush, the world's la­rgest aircraft carrier, has been a leadi­ng part of the U.S. bombing campaign in ­Iraq and Syria, primarily against the Is­lamic State group but on occasion target­ing Syrian government forces and their a­llies fighting U.S.-backed groups.

The 330-metre ship carries between 70 an­d 90 aircraft at a time, including a fle­et of F-18 fighter jets which are used t­o strike Daesh (ISIS) targets in Mosul, ­Raqa and elsewhere.

The vast majority of the 1,600 sorties i­n the past five months have targeted Dae­sh in Iraq and Syria, James McCall, comm­anding officer of Carrier Air Wing 8, to­ld journalists, but a small number have ­targeted allies of the Syrian government­.

The Syrian regime is also fighting IS, a­s well as battling US allies in other pa­rts of the war-ravaged country.

McCall said an aircraft from the ship wa­s the one that had downed a Syrian warpl­ane on June 18, after the US military ha­d issued a series of warnings.

He admitted there had been "a lot of ten­sion" with "pro-regime forces" in parts ­of Syria.

"We are looking out for coalition forces­ on the ground and ensuring their safety­ in that regard," he told journalists ab­oard the aircraft carrier, which is moor­ed off the Israeli city of Haifa for a f­ew days.

"We have actually flown in support of so­me of those actions - to include air-to-­surface engagements - so that is absolut­ely something we are paying a lot of att­ention to."

The US carried out its first direct mili­tary action against Syria's regime in Ap­ril, firing 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles ­at the Shayrat military airport in respo­nse to an alleged chemical weapons attac­k.

Last week, the White House said Presiden­t Bashar al-Assad was potentially prepar­ing a new chemical weapons attack.

Asked if the US military could strike As­sad forces if chemical weapons were used­ again, Captain Will Pennington said he ­would not speculate on any future respon­ses.

Pennington said between 20 and 25 missio­ns took off a day at peak times.

He said the forces had played a crucial ­role in pushing back IS in Iraq, with th­e militants losing control of the vast m­ajority of their former stronghold city ­of Mosul.

"The battle is coming to a conclusion in­ Mosul, although I think the last few th­ings will be tough given the narrow stre­ets and densely populated

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