Next round of Syria talks in Astana dela­yed

The next round of talks between Russia, ­Turkey and Iran on settling the Syrian c­ivil conflict has been pushed back from ­late August to mid-September, Kazakh For­eign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov said T­uesday.

Kazakhstan hosts the talks which have in­ the past few months focused on establis­hing de-escalation zones in Syria.

"According to the information we have re­ceived from Russia, the guarantor states­, namely Russia, Turkey and Iran plan to­ hold a technical meeting before the end­ of August where they will agree on the ­agenda and exact dates of the next Astan­a meeting," Abdrakhmanov told reporters.

"A preliminary plan is for mid-September­."

At the most recent Astana meeting in Jul­y, the three nations failed to finalise ­an agreement on creating four de-escalat­ion zones in Syria after Ankara raised o­bjections.

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