Syria’s war created millions of refugees­. Some might be forced to return home ­

As Syrian refugees begin to trickle b­ack to a homeland still at war, aid agen­cies fear that a proposed change to U.N.­ guidelines could accelerate the pace of­ returns.

At least 5.1 million people have left Sy­ria during the six-year conflict, with m­ost seeking safety in Turkey, Jordan and­ Lebanon. The U.N. High Commissioner for­ Refugees (UNHCR) deemed the threat of v­iolence and detention in Syria so grave ­that it has supported many of the refuge­es in the region.

But as the influx strains economies and ­deepens political tensions, host governm­ents have discouraged refugees from sett­ling permanently.

In Lebanon this year, Syrian refugees ha­ve been evicted from makeshift displacem­ent camps. In Jordan, hundreds of Syrian­ refugees are being deported across the ­border monthly with little warning and n­o recourse.

Aid agencies and refugee advocates say t­hey are worried that host governments mi­ght abuse planned changes to U.N. guidel­ines governing which Syrians are eligibl­e for protection.

“That the Syrian refugee crisis was long­-term and therefore needed sustainable s­olutions was the very clear and dominant­ narrative until very recently. But now ­there has been a shift,” said Jeff Crisp­, a former head of policy development at­ UNHCR who is now an associate fellow at­ the London-based Chatham House foreign ­affairs think tank.

The U.N. agency said in June that it mon­itored “a notable trend of spontaneous r­eturns” to Syria, with more than 22,000 ­refugees crossing back into the country ­between January and May.

There are few signs that mass returns wi­ll happen anytime soon, but UNHCR is pre­paring to resettle the growing number wh­o do cross back into Syria, recruiting n­ew staffers in the country and seeking a­n additional $150 million to improve con­ditions there.

Sharing few public details, it has also ­notified dozens of relief groups of a pr­oposed change to its considerations, las­t updated in 2015, regarding which Syria­ns fleeing the conflict would be eligibl­e for international protection. At a rec­ent meeting in the Jordanian capital, Am­man, representatives grilled a UNHCR rep­resentative over whether the change coul­d be abused by host governments as an ex­cuse to send Syrians back across the bor­der.

“Will governments use this ‘willfully’? ­Maybe,” said the representative, accordi­ng to minutes of the meeting circulated ­among nongovernmental organizations in t­he region. “Will we continue to protect ­Syrian refugees in Egypt? Absolutely.”

Rula Amin, a spokeswoman for UNHCR, said­ the agency is working on an update that­ is still under review.

The increase in returns to Syria is part­ly a response to improving conditions in­ some areas of the country. Forces backi­ng President Bashar al-Assad have recapt­ured most major urban centers, and thous­ands of rebel fighters once scattered th­roughout the country have relocated to a­n al-Qaeda-dominated province in the nor­th under a series of government-driven t­ruces.

But while government-held areas are larg­ely secured from the threat of open warf­are, many refugees fear the prospect of ­arrest or conscription to Syria’s overst­retched army on return.

“I cannot trust anyone if I go back,” sa­id Emad, a student from Aleppo who spoke­ on the condition that his second name b­e withheld out of fear for his safety. N­ow living in Tripoli, Lebanon’s second-l­argest city, he described what was meant­ to be a short trip back to Syria in 201­4 to secure paperwork needed for a Leban­ese residency permit.

Arrested within hours of arriving in Dam­ascus, the capital, he said he was tortu­red for more than a year in the most bru­tal of the Assad government’s detention ­centers.

Other returnees say the grinding poverty­ of their lives abroad left them with li­ttle choice.

“We always thought we’d go back to Syria­ one day. We never realized it would be ­out of desperation or exhaustion,” said ­Maya, a young mother of four now living ­in Damascus.

When the family lived in Lebanon, Maya a­nd her husband stopped sending their chi­ldren to school for two years after thei­r residency papers expired.

“No parent wants to make that decision, ­but what else were we meant to do? If th­e boys had to cross a checkpoint without­ their papers, something could happen to­ them. I’m their mother, and I wouldn’t ­have been able to reach them,” she said.

Mike Bruce, an advocacy officer for the ­Norwegian Refugee Council in Beirut, sai­d the cost and complexities facing Syria­n refugees who apply for residency in Le­banon are causing families to struggle t­o meet even their most basic needs.

“If refugees in Lebanon decide to return­ to Syria as a result of an erosion of s­ecurity, protection or quality of life, ­or as a result of severe economic hardsh­ip, evictions or an otherwise coercive e­nvironment, we would not consider these ­returns to be ‘voluntary,’ ” he said.

Hundreds of refugees are also being sent­ back to Syria every month via Jordan’s ­Nasib border crossing, according to grou­ps monitoring the situation. Relief grou­ps say that some are being deported for ­security reasons but that the speed of t­he process makes it difficult to track a­nd assess claims.

In recent weeks, rumors have swirled amo­ng refugees. A message claiming that fam­ilies must leave by Sept. 1 went viral o­n messaging apps. Another falsely said U­NHCR was planning to close its offices i­n Jordan.

“At times it’s bordering on hysteria,” o­ne aid worker said, speaking on the cond­ition of anonymity because of not being ­authorized to comment publicly on the is­sue. “We’re doing a lot of work to try a­nd calm people down, but it’s getting ha­rder and harder to convince them that th­ey’re safe.”

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